Saturday, August 3, 2013

Facial Management (or lack of)

Strolling down Ali'i Drive one Sunday during a street fair, there were tons of people to watch. My eyeballs seemed to be darting from person to person taking in all the colors, sights, and sounds. Street fairs are horribly distracting places for us who are easily distracted.  Anyway, I was giggling to myself as I took in all these fun and colorful individuals.  It was pure and simple amusement.   I often think God giggles when He sits and watches us.  

That was when it happened.  An extremely pale; approximately 60 year old; distinguished looking gentleman rolled by.  On any "normal" business workday in the states, I am sure he would've not have stood out in a crowd.  However, as my eyes took it all in, I literally felt an explosive belly laugh episode starting deep inside me. As it was exploding upward through my body, I started to panic because I was totally aware that this was inappropriate, but I am pretty sure God was smiling too.  For those of you that have never been to Hawaii, let me share a little secret with you.  The Hawaiian Islands are stunningly beautiful, but they seem to bring out characteristics in us "mainlanders" that wouldn't normally come out.  Enough said about that. Anyway, this distinguished gentleman was sporting a high-waisted Speedo, with white socks and roller skates.  He obviously, at some point in his younger years had been a good skater. His skin had not seen the sun in a few decades and those days of a toned body had escaped him and settled around his mid section.  The topper was, he had ear buds in and was singing to a song as he rolled down through the crowds thoroughly enjoying himself.  I did notice he had a wedding ring on, but the Mrs's was no where to be seen.  All I could think was, "Oh my!  How did he get out of the hotel room?  Surely his wife does not know he escaped."  Suddenly I heard myself producing a stifled giggle.  This is the type of giggle that as one tries  desperately to control it, it explodes.  

Okay, truth be told, I was not the only one having difficulty with facial management.  Please understand, this was not a giggle of judgement, it was a giggle of admiration.  You see, I too, am a "spotted zebra."  I don't want to be like anyone else and I severely dislike it when people copy me.  This was just a "spotted zebra" of an entirely different tribe.

"Facial Management"  What a funny term.  In fact, just saying is makes me smirk.  Maybe I smirk because I am not equipped with this skill, no matter how much I try or practice.  You know, some people have an amazing ability to "manage" their face.  They are actually quite gifted in this area. Unfortunately, I am not one of these people. I have even tried practicing in the bathroom mirror.

I don't really try to watch people, but truly people are fascinating to me.  People's actions usually stand out to my kinistic awareness.  Sometimes it is their voices or what people are saying grab my auditory attention.  Mostly though, to be honest, it is their appearance that leaps to my eyeballs and holds my visual acuity.  I LOVE variety.  I think God delights in variety.  He purposely made us, His prized creation, in His image.  His image is stamped on each one of us.  We are as varied as the grains of sand on the beaches of this world.  We are made to be unique, by the Master Creator of the Universe.   Today, let's celebrate and enjoy our differences.

Until we chat again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl

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