Monday, August 11, 2014

Shadow Chasing Silhouettes

Feet securely tied into my memory foam, deliciously bright-colored cross trainers, I head onto the paved walking path.  As usual, this morning I am sharing it with a variety of precious ones that are over 76.  I must be an odd sight for their fragile eyes.  I often use this time to audibly converse with my Maker or to practice my vocals in worship.  This morning is no different.  

We have been doing this dance for the last 45ish days.  I tend to move a titch quicker than my path companions.  Therefore, I often pass them.  Early on I received a lesson in path etiquette. This early morning crowd has a variety of unwritten rules:  When passing someone going the same direction, turn to look them in the face and greet with a cheery "Good Morning!" Be sure to acknowledge their four-legged, hairy companion.  Those going in the opposite direction receive eye-contact and a "Morning!"  but no acknowledgement of their furry friends.  Evidently, if you get the attention of the animal, it darts in front of you just as you pass and you trip.  Anyway, I am only 45 days into this adventure at this park and I am sure I will be schooled in other rules as time goes on.  
As I join the "West of 76 Villagers," I check to ensure my earbuds are in and drop into pace slightly slower than a spooked mare. The words to "Oceans" audibly spilling like a waterfall from my lips. My hands take on a life of their own, expressing their gratefulness for the life ring that I am holding onto too.  I am absorbed.

Rounding the corner, I come screeching up right up behind a lady that doesn't seem to know the "unwritten" rules.  She is slow.  She is walking in the middle of the path.  Her hands are extended and she is completely unaware of the fact that she is blocking the path. Falling in behind her,  I remove my earbuds and become silent. An awareness overtakes me and I understand that her presence in my path is NOT an accident. Quite the contrary, it is a much needed gift.  I match her pace, being careful to stay behind her. Oddly, I feel covered and safe.  It is like walking with a friend under a large golf umbrella during a rainstorm. She appears to be oblivious to my silhouette that is chasing her shadow. She is praying and worshiping out loud.  My heart fills, like a sponge that has dried out in the sun and is suddenly submerged in a bucket of cold refreshing water.  I am carried into His presence.

Unaware how many moments have slipped by, I find myself very alive and refreshed. I speed up my pace and make a move to pass her.  Pulling up parallel with her, I glance in her direction only to realize that she is completely unaware of me.  Finishing up my walk, I feel compelled to wait for her and thank her for letting me slide in on her worship and prayer.  I wait.  I wait.  I wait.  She never comes.  

May we always be aware that all our actions have a ripple effect. Some, we will be privileged to see and others,  we may never know about.  Today, may your actions provide direction and life to those silhouettes that are chasing your shadow.  May you point them to the "Lover of Their Soul."

Until We Chat Again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl

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