Monday, February 17, 2014

Unexpected Moments

Darkness was just starting to lay itself gently on the earth.  Like a soft blanket being wrapped around a young child, the blackness folded itself snugly around me.  The unexpected warmth of this February day still radiated up from the asphalt. I sauntered down the middle of the street absorbed in the sweetness of these treasured moments. 

A frantic plump robin caught my attention.  I paused to just observe and enjoy this delicate creature.  
She appeared to be so heavy with egg that she could no longer take flight but instead bounced from tender limb to limb.  Her sweet voice floating out from her belly declaring the day to be over.  As silence fell, she settled into the protection of her nest 

Still, I stood.  Like an expectant child, awaiting a promised, but unknown surprise.  

With only slight eye movement, my eyes silently slid down the branch of this slowly awakening tree. In simultaneous motion, they came to  halt on yet another gift.  Straining, I realized that this barren tree was quite pregnant with intricate deep pink buds.
Soon this naked tree would be fully awakened and dressed in a spectacular coat of variegated pink flowers.  Each one filled with the fragrance and promise of Spring.  

But, still I stood.  Like an oddly placed forgotten statue.

Breaking my trance-like state, I slowly and purposefully inhaled allowing the dew saturated air to fill my under-exposed lungs.  Allowing my eyes to land at the base of this amazing creation, I gazed at a small patch of
lime green leaves poking up from the Winter hardened ground. They seemed to be proclaiming the upcoming arrival a variety of Spring flowers.

An awareness of  time suddenly interrupted these sacred moments and I continued on my stroll. Rounding the corner, something glistened in my path.
I paused and bent to examine it.  It is a copper cylinder worth nothing by today's standards, but nonetheless I couldn't help but smile as I continued on my walk.

Tonight I realize that throughout my life, I have missed much because I have not stopped to enjoy the journey and all the precious moments of each day.  May I not forget these precious moments and gifts as I journey forward.  

Until we Chat Again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl