Monday, December 28, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

144 Hours; My Internal Landscape; and The Gift of a Sabbath

Darkness envelopes this tiny piece of land that I have landed on.  Stepping across the rear threshold of this Alaska 737 jet, my feet feel the familiar path down the steps and onto the tarmac of the Kona airport.  The day's Winter heat is still radiating up from the volcanic pavement.  Even in the darkness, everything here is vibrant, more alive.  I feel as if I have just woken up from a long, drug induced sleep. 

Morning arrives quickly, but I am in no hurry to greet her.  The scrumptious, high thread count sheets are cocooning my body and they beckon me to stay awhile longer.  The lanai door is open allowing the fragrance of plumeria to gently float into our room.  The sun is playing peek-a-boo through the slated louvers.  The sweetness of these moments do not escape me. 

I have approximately 144 hours in front of me for this sweet, much needed reprieve.  I lay here imagining that these coming hours are like a big fat catalog and I get to pick, at will, what they will hold.  My selfishness pokes it's ugly head out and makes case for only water activities; beach and pool lounging; heavy doses of HGTV; and delicious island food. We will see what happens.

Two hours have passed and I find myself comfortably reclining in the fine white sand.  A cornucopia of humanity blends together in front of me.  Languages from around the globe, dance and swirl their way into my ears.  Verigated shades of brown stroll by.  Over the years, I've developed a deep appreciation for my own healthy nut brown body.  I lay here and am suddenly aware that I am in a bubble and this is truly not how most of the world lives.  There is a whisper that floats across my consciousness and I hear that this time has an expiration date, but for now...I will savor it and hold it as my Sabbath.  

Realizing that this Sabbath is a gift, I whisper of my surrender of it and consciously decide that I will choose to embrace each moment and allow Him to orchestrate what each hour holds.  (Stay tuned for another post in a few days.) 

A Sabbath is meant as a gift from our Creator.  It is designed, by God, to provide much needed rest.  Even God took a Sabbath on the seventh day of creation. (Genesis 2:3) A sabbath can be ten minutes; two hours; an entire day, or even a week.  I think I will try to build more Sabbaths into 2016, would you consider joining me?  

Until We Chat Again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl