Tuesday, January 6, 2015

To Be Known

Rain is pelleting  the windows, like a jackhammer breaking up resistant concrete, it attempts to break into the building and bring wetness.  Thank goodness, I find myself safely inside of this solid structure. I am like a butterfly inside of its cocoon. I am warm, dry, and safe.  It is the first day back after a two week break.  The young ones have not yet arrived and the library is silent.  

As I gaze out at the currently vacant room, I am grateful that soon it will be buzzing with young ones anxious to return their holiday reading and discover some new reads.
There will be contagious giggles; long hugs, and silly stories to share.  Each young one wanting my individual attention. Each young one wanting to share a piece of their life with me from these last two weeks and know that I have heard and will remember.  Each young one wanting to know that I "know" who they are.

I have momentarily perched on my two seater, burnt orange bench. Taking in some deep breaths and slowly exhaling,   I see her arrive. She is the "Small Delicate One".  
Her hand is securely tucked inside her father's strong, sculpted right hand. He is leading her and she is gawking around like a chicken on a leash.  They make their delivery to the circulation counter and then turn to leave.  As she exits through the doorway, our eyes momentarily meet.  It has been two long weeks. She is being guided along at a pace that does not suit her. As she is just about out of sight, her tiny, gentle voice sings out, "I LOVE YOU!" Three simple words delivered with the sincerity of a heart that is happy, full, and known. These precious, freely given words swirled through the air, like wind blown leaves and came to rest inside my heart.  This scene has played over and over, each time bringing that same sense of joy.

It is 9:00 and this day is quickly slipping away.   However, I am still sitting here with those three simple words pirouetting in and through my heart. I don't want to forget this.  I worry that if I go to bed, I won't remember this simple lesson.  Today those three simple words brought much needed heart inflation and joy to me.  I am not her mother. I am not even related, but I am one of her teachers and she is "known" by me. 

Maybe, I am more like these "Young Ones" than I realize.  This Plank-Eyed Girls wants to be "known".  I long to be "known"because to be "known" is to be loved.  Maybe, I haven't fully realized that He intricately knows me and therefore, He unconditionally loves me.   When I burst forth with those same three simple words, "I LOVE YOU!" directed toward my Creator, His heart soars with the same joy that I am currently savoring.

Tonight may you realize that the Creator of the universe "knows" you.  

Until We Chat Again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl

Psalms 139:13-16
13You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.