Monday, July 14, 2014

Zumba Dancing Filipino Grandma

Clearing security, my mind jolts awake to the realization that I need to locate a birthday card for "The Precious One".  Weaving through humanity, I locate a bank of cards and start perusing the selection. That is when I notice the clerk.  Trying not to have facial dysplasia, I continue looking at the selection while sneaking peeks at this fragile, Zumba dancing Filipino grandma who is the clerk. I can feel a gigantic giggle wiggling it's way up from my belly, but knowing that allowing it to escape would be entirely socially inappropriate, I manage to turn it into a mini coughing attack.

She approaches me and with a wave of her hand pronounces me "Strong!"  At first, my mind zings over and lands on the idea that this must be a cultural way to telling me that "I'm FAT!"  Ugh! My mind is screaming, "This is NOT what I need right now!"

I rise from the rack of card and look her squarely in the face.  Instantly, my heart knows that this was not what she meant.  We connect.  A lonely, Filipino elderly grandma, working on her feet to make her social security stretch and a middle-aged mocha girl off for a frivolous six day adventure before her vacation.  Honestly, probably couldn't be more opposite.

I turn the rest of my body to face her.  In her best broken English she says, "Your body is strong and that is a gift.  My body is weak and I am in pain." She smiles a toothy smile at me.  I can't help myself, I smile back.  We stand facing each other.  I can tell she is searching for more words.  I wait.  Reaching out my hand, I offer her money for my purchase.  She touches my hand and looks at me.  We are both women.  We both have different shades of deliciousful brown skin.  Our paths have crossed for these few seconds on this summer day.  

Methodically she counts back the change.  I accept it and turn to leave.  My heart yells, "Not Yet!" Quickly I turn back to face her, I hear the words leave my lips, "Thank You!"

Sliding quickly into the human freeway that runs north and south through the main concourse of this international airport, I rush toward the N gates. There is no time to spare.  I reach the plane and drop into my seat.  That is when my Abba whispers, "Remember, you are strong!  I am WITH you!"  

Arriving, I find "The Precious One" in a desperate state.  Once again, I am physically alone it feels like I am standing at the edge of a vast desert facing the Red Sea with no visible signs of help.  I am perched on a hard wooden bench at the edge of the golf course. Through a flood of prolific tears, I am crying out to my Abba for help. The sun is slipping over the edge of the earth.  I am unable to breath and have run out of "Puffs with Lotion".  Suddenly, the Lord reminds me of the Zumba Dancing Filipino grandma and her words to me.  Something loosens in my chest.  I rise from the bench; find the path and head back to "The Precious One's" house. Moments later, two neighbors appear on the path. They call to me.  I pause and we chit chat.  Turns out they have served with YWAM in Kona.  I LOVE how my Abba provides.  The conversation didn't solve the problem I was facing, but it brought me hope.  God knows what is going on and can be trusted to show up.  He is good all the time like that.  Trust me, I know....He does not abandon.  

Until We Chat Again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl

5My steps have stayed on your path;  I have not wavered from following you.  6I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God.  Bend down and listen as I pray.  7Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. (Psalms 17:5-7 NLT)

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