Friday, August 16, 2013

Florescent Orange, Papaya Yellow, and Spots

Excitement coursed through every fiber of my body as I realized I was waking up in my own bed. I had not slept in my bed for over 50 nights.  Plus, today I was to get my hair cut and re-spotted.  

Bounding from my bed, my feet sunk into the sweet succulent cream carpet.  It caused me to pause slightly and really take in my new reality.  I was not on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, instead I was in Washington and EVERYTHING was different.  Wow! 

Continuing to my closet, I was completely taken with how many clothes I had to choose from.  (I have lived with only a few clothing options for the summer and was totally fine with it.)  Standing there, I felt like a queen!  So many fun and colorful types of clothes and shoes.  Truth be told, I almost put on my hot pink combat boots with my shorts today, but decided that it might be a little much for our small, northwest community. Anyway, I slid into the same denim shorts I had spent most of the summer in; grabbed a shirt from the closet;  found my flip flops; and was on my way.

The feel of sliding into the drivers seat of my little black thing and starting the ignition after not driving for the summer is extremely exhilarating for my being!  I couldn't help but grin as I zipped down the boulevard; around the bay and into the sleepy town of Silverdale.  

Arriving at the salon, I settled into the stylist's chair and celebrated the odd comfort of the familiarity. My "short" hair was long for me and I could hardly wait to have it re-spotted and buzzed.  The stylist proceeded to pull my dried out, wiry hair through the cap and apply the bleach.  The process seemed to be going along normally.  She moved me to the dryer and heated it up.  As I sat there, I lost track of time.  My eyes were heavy.  Sleep wrapped itself around me and I welcomed it.  Being in that sleep like state, I was only vaguely aware of the stylist, checking my locks several times.  I was oddly in a mild state of euphoria.   

Not aware of how much time had passed or how many times she had checked my head, I found myself suddenly in the focal point of a flurry of activity in which the entire salon was involved. Evidently, 45 minutes had gone by and my hair was, well...shall we say....having difficulty accepting the bleach.  In fact, it had turned florescent orange.  On my first glimpse of it,I started laughing hysterically.  You see, I don't think it would be that bad to go back to school with florescent orange hair.  The kids would LOVE it and it would just confirm to the staff that I truly was a spotted-zebra.  

The stylist was now rapidly applying a variety of products to my hair. Additionally, all of her "salon buddies" were trying to give her advice.  It was quite comical.  Just a side note, she had done my hair for over ten years and is an amazing stylist. Anyway, she finally got it toned down to a papaya yellow.  Completely perplexed, she kept saying, "I did EVERYTHING like I always do.  I don't know what is wrong."   

As I was sitting there watching all the drama and pondering the situation, I dawned on me that yesterday morning, while still on the Big Island, I didn't have any shampoo, so I used the antibacterial liquid hand soap.  Now, you need to know that I am a very low maintenance plank-eyed  girl. It didn't even cross my mind that I should mention this to her BEFORE she started my hair appointment.  Meekly, I barely whispered, "Do you think that antibacterial liquid hand soap could cause this?"   Instantly, a stillness overtook the room. Every eye seemed to turn at once toward me.  Suddenly, I couldn't contain my giggles and I just exploded in laughter.  I couldn't believe how serious everyone was.  I proclaimed, "Oh my, it is ONLY hair!"  Laughter erupted and as a wave of relief washed over that salon.  

Thank goodness for google.  After searching several sites, a solution was produced and my hair adventure was finished up.  She cut it nice a short, shaved the back so that my spots showed and breathed a sigh of relief.  

Several times this afternoon, as I have snickered and pondered this epic hair episode.  I have thought about how I, as a daughter of the creator of the Universe, am covered with a protective layer of His warm and fabulous love.    It was a free gift to me on the day I handed over my sins and He placed them on Jesus.  It is a coating that no man can remove.  The best part is that nothing can stick to it. It is transparent, just like the "stuff" in the antibacterial liquid hand soap, but it changes EVERYTHING!  My hair was changed by the coating of something in the antibacterial soap.  My heart was changed by the gift of God's love.  An amazing, completely undeserved gift for this plank-eyed girl who doesn't deserve a magnificent gift such as this.

Careful what you wash in today, it could change everything.

Until we chat again,
The Plank-Eyed Girl

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